Thursday, 8 October 2015

The British Masters is under way at Woburn and Nick Roberts my Deputy has taken a few days holiday so that he was able to volunteer to work with 20 other green keeping volunteers and Woburn staff.His duties have included hand mowing the tees and blowing debris off the course, He was spotted on Sky TV eating a Burger cooked by Ian Poulter. Keep watching you may see him actually working there!

Much of our work during this fine spell of weather involves some kind of aeration as we need to complete as much as we can before any prolonged wet and /or cold weather hinders our work .We have recently completed deep tining the greens which was then followed by using the true turf roller to smooth surface levels and we applied a granular feed to keep the nutrient level in balance.We will soon be applying our 2nd preventative spray to control any disease pressure which will help keep  the turf  free of disease scars.

Aeration will continue on the tees, fairways and walk off areas.

Some work has started on cleaning up and tidying bunker faces and this will continue through the winter months.

                                            Some late autumn colour around the clubhouse