Welcome to another year at South Essex, for the green keeping team its continuing as before with our winter work programmes although the winter has been very difficult . The wet mild conditions were not conducive to producing clean cut playing areas and we wait for a dry window of opportunity so that we can mow and redefine the course.
We have been busy cutting up and using the Asto turf we got free to lay on the bridges around the course.This fits in with our risk assessments and will help reduce the slip risk in these areas
Ditch work clearance continues as this is very important to remove excess water off the course
We have over the years planted gorse as its a good plant for pollinating insects but it can become very tall and start to break up and produce less flower so to keep it in a young vigorous stage we cut it back in height.This will re invigorate the plant and produce new young shoots and bushy plants with more flower.This can be seen on the gorse area by the 6th tee Heron.Two areas towards the 6th green Heron have been cut as well as at the 8th Heron. It is not all cut down at once but in rotation this will protect the wildlife habitat.
Nick And I recently attended The BIGGA Turf Management Exhibition where we attend workshops,seminars and the trade show to further our experience in managing our golf course as well as networking with colleagues and trade officials.
Nick was also on the John Deere stand to promote the Bigga team attending the John Deere TPC tournament in America In May this year
Nick is on the left
Morning sunrise Thursday January 21st