Monday, 11 November 2013

The wet weather through October and into November has meant that we have started implementing our winter controls to protect the course from wear and tear. This has meant we have been putting out post and rope control to direct golf traffic  away from damaged areas, limiting the use of golf carts for safety reasons, and put out the winter tee mats on the par 3 holes again to protect these turf surfaces. Our aim is to nurse the course through the winter to limit any damage to the playing surfaces and come into the early spring months with the course in good condition for the new golf season.
6th heron tee path cart damage
7th hawk fairway cart skid marks

We hope to start our worm control programme on the green , tees and other selected areas when we are able to use the sprayer in more suitable ground conditions.
When the weather is so wet the greens are hand mowed as we can use our gators and trailors to move them around the course,
Sean Eady mows the 1st green Hawk
We have surffered some hydraulic oil damage on the greens 4,5,and 6th Hawk when a pipe on the mower developed a leak,most of the damage will grow out but there may be some turf repairs required.
6th green Hawk
Terry Sapsford has moved on to Orsett Golf Club after being on the greenkeeping team for nearly 6 years so our team is some what depleted at the moment after also losing Luke Heron recently to Hobbs Cross G.C.
Pond 7th heron

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