Monday, 14 July 2014

The greens were recently solid tined  and then we sprayed them with a wetting agent to aid water penetration into the root zone and seaweed  was added to aid root growth. This was followed by a good drop  of rain to wash it all in to the soil profile.A few days later we applied a growth control  mixed with some fertiliser to keep  the growth  even.The tees have also been sprayed with a similar cocktail of products.Weed control has been mainly carried out with our knapsack sprayer to spot treat isolated weed areas around the surrounds of greens and tees as well as fairways and roughs.
The sprayer is an essential part of our equipment  in managing the turf areas with a variety of products all year round.
                                                    solid tining the 8th green Hawk

We have been registered with Operation Pollinator since late 2012.After the first full growing season of 2013 very little was seen in the way of wildflowers in the sown area between the 5th and 6th of the Heron and I was disappointed with the results.I put this down to the cold winter of 2012 and the wet 2013.However 2014 has proved me wrong  with a much improved showing especially the wild carrot,red clover and vetch.These are native perennials which are all good for pollinating insects.
                                            wild carrot with the 6th tee heron in background

The wildflower areas with there annual mix of species continue to provide a talking point in the carpark and the same mix was used near the 9th green Heron

                                                                wildflowers 9th Heron
Recently Sean my Deputy was very concerned about the health of the fish in the pond by the clubhouse (as this is very much his passion and hobby) so with his contacts specialist anglers came to remove some of them to another lake.
Fishing the Pond

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